Building Confidence

Collaborative Approach

The Concession falls within the domain of the Paleo-Proterozoic and is strategically located in the transition zone between the Cape Coast sedimentary basin and the Kibi-Winneba volcanic belt which is geologically considered to be a favourable site for structurally and litho-facies controlled gold mineralization.

Pursuing growth in Gold Trading in Ghana

We mine the alluvial gravel mineral deposits delineated in the valley flats and old terraces of the Forinsara River and Abena stream. By using the block method, the estimated reserves of alluvial gold and diamonds in the prospective parts of the concession are 46,521.36 ounces and 3,941,848.20 carats respectively. The reserve calculations are based on the use of the average grades of 0.403 g/m3 obtained for gold and 1.01 carat/m3 determined for diamonds.

Mining Operation

The mining operation will largely depend on a fixed washing plant with a capacity of 100m3/hr capacity and is complete with grizzly, separator and concentrator.


Estimated Ore Volume

The estimated volume of 320,000 m3 of ore-bearing gravels are expected to be treated in a year by working in 2-shifts (each with about 52 workers) per day for 10-months and allowing a period of 2-months for plant maintenance, excavations and stockpiling of ore-bearing gravels.


Operations Overview

Mine development

The rocks that build up the volcanic belt comprise meta-basalts, volcaniclastics and small bodies of belt-type intrusive granitoids such as granodiorites and diorites. 

Phyllites, argillites (or mica-schist) and wackes are the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks that underlie some parts of the terrain.

Estimated reserves

The estimated reserves of alluvial gold and diamonds in the investigated parts of the concession are 46,521.36 ounces and 3,941,848.20 carats respectively. The average grades of 0.403 g/m3 obtained for gold and 1.01 carat/m3 determined for diamonds were used in the reserve estimations. These grades are above the accepted threshold values of 0.20g/m3 and 0.40 carat/m3 for which gold and diamonds deposits could respectively attract attention for their economic assessment.    

The western-half of the land surface of Ghana is underlain by rocks that is considered to be of Paleo-proterozoic age. The terrain of the is characterised by northeast–southwest trending volcanic belts with intervening basins filled with sedimentary rocks made up of argillites, phyllites, volcaniclastics and wackes.

The transition zones between the volcanic belts and sedimentary basins contain chemical sediments such as chert, sulphides, carbonate and manganese. Where the transition zones are affected by structures (like shears and faults), they constitute favourable sites for gold mineralisation.Granitoids with varying dimensions and compositions intrude the volcanic belts and sedimentary basins. The Birimian rocks have been subjected to greenschistfacies metamorphism.

Gold Trading

Gold Trading With our Gold buying agents in all the mining regions in Ghana, buying Gold Dust, Nuggets and Dore Bars, we have access to Gold mined from the site always